RE: Worldbuilding – can sci-fi help build a better world?

Originally posted on Damien Walter:
Science shows us how the world is built. Can science fiction help us build a better world? Follow @damiengwalter on Twitter The Blue Marble Astronaut Jack Schmitt released the shutter on the 70 millimeter Hasselblad camera at 5:39 AM on 7th December 1972. The Apollo 17 mission to the moon…


Cast Light “Recognize the possibility of the divine in any given moment.” – Dani Shapiro “I awoke only to see the rest of the world was still asleep.” – Leonardo da Vinci A sunset breaking through the paint brushed clouds and resting on the sleeping water show us how to return to our true north, our center. The sun…

Seeds of Courage

Originally posted on Source of Inspiration:
What is it that gives one the courage to overcome what would daunt the strongest man? To not only accept what life has thrown them but to use it to excel? Birth defects, loss of limb blindness, poverty, war grave illness all become the impetus to push forward refusing…